Puzzle Night – Season 2 Night 3 Tuesday Dec 6th


Update 11/23: Location Puzzle posted
Update 12/5: Hints and solution added to location puzzle

The last Puzzle Night in Season 2 has arrived!

Night 3 is set for Tuesday, December 6th from 6:30pm, at an eatery/drinkery SOMEWHERE in the Twin Cities area (fair warning, this time we may spill into the suburbs for our locale).

A puzzle will be posted to reveal the location of the event about one week beforehand to devoted puzzlers, with hints trickling out. A few days before the event, the location will be released to everybody else. Links to puzzles will also be added to this post!


-Come alone or with a group or with a partial group, or if you want we can help form groups. Ideal sizes are 3 to 5 people.

-All solving can be done INDOORS and requires NO running around outside in the cold.

-Location will be a commercial establishment that can provide refreshment

-3 puzzles will be available to work on simultaneously, and one final puzzle will be ‘unlocked’ over the course of the night

-Bonus puzzles may be on premises.

-Tons of hints will be available, if you are having trouble.

If you are planning to come, please RSVP on the facebook event page

Learn more about PuzzleNight here.