Puzzle Night – Season 3 Night 1 – Garden Party

Code Sheet

Location Puzzle – vegetables

Puzzle 1 – bunny

  • Hint 1 The logic puzzle is pretty tricky. Once you have it complete, you have a path with the bunny exiting on the right.
  • Hint 2 The bunny should be taking a number of turns through the grid, sometimes through squares with grass.
  • Hint 3 Take each group of five turns as a binary digit that is a zero or one depending on if the square has grass in it.
  • Solution PESTS
  • Walkthrough

Puzzle 2 – vines

  • Hint 1 The clue answers fill in the grids from left to right, in order from top to bottom – but some other connection should pop up too!
  • Hint 2 Each of the mesh’s clues have an associative theme that helps confirm an intersection
  • Hint 3 There are plant names sprouting from the bottom that should match with one of the clue answers.
  • Solution CREATE
  • Walkthrough Each grid has a fruit or vegetable growing upward, and it matches with one of the across clues to make a known phrase (a phrase that is alluded to in the way the clues are written). Each phrase intersects at a shared letter.
    CARROT – TOP = T
    PEA – BRAIN = A
    ‘BEET’ – POET = T
    = ROTATE

Puzzle 3 – page 1, page 2 – boxes

  • Hint 1 Have you heard of these packets? Have you heard of what materials they make the planters out of?
  • Hint 2 Don’t get too ‘heck-tick’ (or frenzied), but we should make haste planting these in the corresponding boxes for each variety.
  • Hint 3 The packets are all ‘seeds’ – I see Kurt-seed and Super-seeds! Index into the real words for the planters.
  • Solution CREATE
  • Walkthrough Both the seed packets and the planters are ‘sound-alike’ clues. Each seed packet is a type of ‘seed’, and they can be paired with the soundalike definitions from the planters. In planter order:
    a comp leash ugh ol’ = accomplish a goal = suck-seed = succeed [4] = C
    inn uh heck tick weigh = in a hectic way = Friend-seed = frenzied [2] = R
    an so fizz ticket = unsophisticate = hay-seed = hayseed [5] = E
    two kush eyin’ too = took a shine to = fan-seed = fancied [2] = A
    been tin for mall grr eating = bent in formal greeting = kurt-seed = curtsied [4]
    reap lace sum won = replace someone = super-seed = supercede [7] = E

Final Puzzle – page 1, page 2 – flowers

  • Hint 1 ???
  • Hint 2 ???
  • Hint 3 ???
  • Solution ???
  • Walkthrough ???