What is PuzzleNight?
PuzzleNight is a puzzle event series planned for the Twin Cities.
PuzzleNight aims to be a casual event with meticulously designed puzzles that should cater to veterans and newbies alike. Puzzle content will include but not be limited to logic, lateral thinking, and wordplay.
There will be a total of 3 events in the first season.
Each event will take place at one location, and go on for a couple hours. PuzzleNight is meant to be casual, so feel free to show up with a group already planned, or hope to make a group when you get there! You can try to compete and solve the puzzles first, or you can show up whenever you want – you can set your own level of competitiveness. Also, there will be hints available.
What are the puzzles like?
Puzzles will be heavily inspired by events like MN0PQ, DASH, PuzzledPint, and other mystery hunts. Each puzzle may attempt to surprise in new ways, or simply be a fun challenge.
Check out the Archives to see puzzles from previous events.