Welcome to Season 2 of Puzzle Night! This season we work our way through a newspaper.
Location Puzzle – Headlines! –
Hint 1
Each line is part of a famous newspaper headline which has been altered
Hint 2
Take each altered or added letter from the headlines in date order to produce an answer
Crooked Pint Mpls – Crooked Pint Ale House in downtown Minneapolis on Washington Ave. South. That’s where the event was!
Puzzle 1, Movie showtime
Hint 1
Hey, it kind of looks like a filmstrip. Each row is cluing the name of a movie. The low-res pictures are of DIFFERENT movies.
Hint 2
The clues are word-wise synonyms for movies’ SUBTITLES (or more accurately, for the subtitle or title of a movie in a series). Also, that first picture on the upper left? That’s ‘Before Sunrise’.
Hint 3
The clued movie is the Nth title in a movie series. Index into the name of the series with the title number. Also: that upper right movie picture? That’s ‘The Leprechaun’.
Puzzle 2 page 1 page 2, TV listing
Hint 1
It’s probably best to figure out which channels are which, and their numbers before you can figure much of anything else out. Do a repeated scan for any clues involving channels or their numbers. The clue about each channel number being one of the digits 0-9 is vital.
Hint 2
It’s a tough logic puzzle! Keep track of the movies. A hint about those: they go in ‘color order’ over the course of the schedule. There WILL be some blank spots in the schedule.
Hint 3
Solved gridHint 4
Not sure where to go next? Check out the first and last letters of the channels for a hint of what to decode.
It’s a long and vigorous logic puzzle, for sure. But definitely you need to figure out the channel numbers and positions first. Then you can start locking pieces into place. The alphabetically sorted channels are helpful, as is the B-connected programs, and the movies that always overlap by one half hour (bonus if you follow your instinct or discover that the ‘color’ of the movies provide an order).
You should be left with a grid with some empty spaces.
The channels should be
Demand HitSHopefully the first and last letters popped out at you if you needed a hint (though you may not have needed it):
The spots in the schedule where nothing airs are either 1 block long or 3 blocks long, and only exist on four channels. If you interpret these as 4 morse code letters, you get:
Or ‘EMMY’, which is your answer!
Puzzle 3, Entertainment reviews
Hint 1
There’s a lot of text on this page – but maybe you can focus on the bold ‘heading’ words first for a hint of what to do. What do these words have in common? Also, maybe consider their first letters.
Hint 2
You should be looking for adjectives, as the first letter in those headings spelled down the page (also, those headings all happened to be adjectives). So what next? Maybe find the rest of the adjectives in these reviews.
Hint 3
You should find several adjectives in each review. If you take their first letters, you should get a NUMBER and a WORD (another adjective to be precise, and usually a word that relates to the paragraphs object, though that doesn’t matter too much)
Hint 4
If you take the first letters of these new adjectives and order them according to your numbers, you should have a one word answer for these reviews.
This should be a pretty straightforward if you don’t get distracted by red herrings. The headings can clue you into the importance of adjectives (Indeed, the capitalized letters in the headings spell ADJECTIVE out). If you look in each paragraph and take the first letters of the adjectives you find there, you should obtain the following:
TWO OLDAnd if you take the first letters of the new adjectives in the order by number, you get:
BOORISH, which should describe this whole enterprise.
Final Puzzle, Activities page
Hint 1
You should get a message spelled from your path through the maze – and maybe you should take note of the directions of your exits from the circles?
Hint 2
Also note that the leftover ‘unused’ letters in the maze provides its own message. But in any case at this point you should be figuring out what to do with the ‘previous answer key’ glyph, and, fittingly, how to use your previous answers with it…
Hint 3
Each letter is associated with a directional arrow (and there are two ‘types’ of circles/arrows). If you match your previous answers (franchises, emmy, and boorish), you can find the directional arrows from those answers in the glyph below.
Hint 4
Once you can translate arrows to letters, you can get a message from the clocks. Note that there are two types of arrows.
Hint 5
The message from the clocks should be S BY SW FEST CITY
Making your way through the maze should not be too hard (but maybe tedious if you’re not into mazes).
The path through the maze spells out the following:
And the ‘unused’ letters in the labyrinth spell, in order:
THE ANSWER KEY PUZZLE ORDER IS 3, 2, THEN 1And note that the letters are consistent with regard to the directions you exit the ‘letter circles’ from – the ‘R’s are always moving to the right, etc. Also, there are two ‘styles’ of arrow (thick and thin).
Considering the ‘previous answer key’ glyph at the bottom of the puzzle, you can match your arrow-letter mappings and your previous answers.IN the order of BOORISH, EMMY, and FRANCHISES, starting at the left of the glyph it will ‘spell’ these answers using directional arrows. The letters that were not provided by the path through the maze should be provided by your previous answers in the glyph (notably: ‘B’, ‘F’, and ‘C’ would not have been known yet).
Now that you have all of these letters, you can fill in the clocks on the right. Mapping correctly to the ‘thick’ or ‘thin’ arrows, you should have:
South by Southwest City.
The SXSW festival is in Austin Texas – fitting for an Arts and Entertainment section of the paper.
The answer is ‘Austin’