The first Puzzle Night event is set for Wednesday, February 5th, starting at 6:30pm SOMEWHERE in Minneapolis.
A puzzle will be posted to reveal the location of the event one week beforehand to devoted puzzlers. Two days before the event, the location will be released to everybody else.
Update: Location Puzzle is released!
-Come alone or with a group or with a partial group, and if you want to you can meet people and form a new group. Ideal sizes are between 3 and 5 people.
-All solving can be done INDOORS and requires NO running around outside in the cold.
-Location will be a commercial establishment that can provide drinks and snacks
-3 puzzles will be available to work on simultaneously, and one final puzzle will be ‘unlocked’ over the course of the night
-Bonus puzzles may be on premises.
-Tons of hints and/or easier versions of some puzzles will be available.
More Info about PuzzleNight!
If you are planning to come, please RSVP on the G+ or facebook page.